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New Jersey: The Worst Craft Beer State

By now you have probably heard about the horrendous ruling by the state of New Jersey that seriously limits the craft beer industry in that state, in particular breweries themselves. Being from Pennsylvania I can't help but feel lucky for living in a state that realizes the worth of a growing market like craft beer. At the same time I can't help but feel bad for our neighboring state of New Jersey and the blatantly corrupt government that brings its iron fist down on an industry that is all about progress.

I can remember in the early days of our brewery travels and visiting breweries in New Jersey for the first time. After visiting all the local breweries in our Pennsylvania towns we naturally started looking elsewhere, which landed us in New Jersey. From the very first brewery we stopped at (which has been put out of business since) we knew something odd was going on. Before ordering our first beer we were handed a sheet of paper and told to read it before ordering. What was on this pamphlet? A description of the brewing process from start to finish. Assuming this was the beer menu, I remember flipping it over and looking for the draft beer section only to find nothing. Thinking it was odd but not really thinking much about it, we ordered our flight, drank it, and moved on to the next brewery.

When we walked into this brewery we were immediately whisked away to the brewhouse in the back of the small building and shown how the beer was being made and what each piece of equipment was for. Again, we didn't think much of this and assumed these were simply some friendly brewery owners who were proud of their business.

Finally, at the third brewery we encountered what we thought was a bouncer carding patrons. No. It was an employee whose sole job was to hand out pamphlets describing the brewing process. This is where we whipped out our phones and did some research. As it turns out, by law all breweries in New Jersey are REQUIRED to give you a tour of the brewing process before you can be served a beer.

In what world does this make sense? What bureaucrat came up with this nonsensical law and more importantly how did this ever even become a law?! Since that time breweries have figured out ways around the forced guided tour by simply hanging a banner or painting a diagram of the brewing process on the wall. But still, what's the deal with New Jersey??

But that's where it ends right? Just the weird mandatory brewery tour? Wrong. Possibly even more absurd than the forced brewery tour is the fact New Jersey outlaws the sale of food in the brewery unless you have a full liquor license. That's right, a brewery cannot sell you food or even have a food truck. These morons even take it a step farther and prohibite take out menues from being made available. You can't even have a pizza delivered!! Being from Pennsylvania where the exact opposite exists (food is mandatory whether it be free popcorn or a full service restaurant) this just seems even more nonsensical than the forced brewery tour. These restrictions have been in place for years and don't even cover the newest, tyrannical laws set forth by this corrupt state.

What's the deal with New Jersey?

So how much worse could it get? If you haven't heard here are the basics.

First, New Jersey now limits breweries to 25 "activities" per year. 25!!! Things like live bands, trivia, yoga are now limited to 25 in one year. Hell, some breweries in other states have weekly trivia which more than doubles the allowance of NJ.

Second, a brewery can only attend 12 off premise events per year like beer fests, tastings, farmer's markets, and so on. So the state of New Jersey is gracious enough to allow one of these events per month. How generous!

Third, breweries can only allow 52 private parties per year. Just another restriction with no rhyme or reason.

The State of New Jersey also forbids breweries from offering happy hour pricing. That's right....God forbid a business tries to lure customers in with some discounted beers at the end of a hard work day!

There's also a few small restrictions (compared to the prior mentioned restrictions) that they felt necessary to tack on which include no coffee sales, no mixed beverages with malt alcohol, and no free drinks. Wow.

I think we can all agree there are some pretty odd alcohol laws in certain states and some odd laws in general. I think we can also agree that maybe ONE of these restrictions could possibly have some reasoning behind it. However, there MUST be something fishy going on behind the scenes on some level that allow ALL these restrictions to take place in one particular state.


Many theories as to why and how this could possibly happen have surfaced. One of my personal favorites is the mob got involved because they need their restaurants busy so they can wash their money. Did Tony Soprano come back from the dead to screw over the breweries?? Does the mafia have some dirt on the New Jersey Alcoholic Beverage Control and is blackmailing them to favor the liquor license holders?? Seems far fetched but if even a sliver of those old mafia movies are true then maybe it's not so out of the realm of possibilities.

Could it be as simple as restaurant industry lobbyists gaining the support of those in charge? Someone's wheels had to get greased along the way. Again, I can see one restriction making its way into law, but how can all of these purely nonsensical laws make it?

The "official" reason as the Attorney General's office states, "The special conditions set forth in the 2019 Special Ruling are the result of an extensive outreach effort by the Division to meet with industry leaders, individual craft brewery owners, members of the Legislature, and others. The Division believes the activities permitted under the 2019 Special Ruling strike a fair and appropriate balance between the interests of full retail license holders, such as restaurants and bars, and the craft brewing industry. The Division will continue to work with all licensees to promote a fair and robust alcoholic beverage industry in New Jersey."

My favorite part of this quote is "industry leaders, individual craft brewery owners, members of the Legislature, and OTHERS." Who are these "others?" Seems suspicious. Also the fact the Attorney General's Office calls the ruling "fair and appropriate." Fair for who? Go to any craft brewery in New Jersey and ask if it's fair. You don't even have to go to the brewery, just check out their social media and they will tell you how "fair" the ruling is.

What Can We Do?

It seems as though the government would take it eslasy on small businesses like breweries after coming out of a pandemic that hit every single small business hard, not just breweries. In 2020 we were told to support small business by any means necessary. How the tables have turned for the craft breweries of New Jersey. How can we help??

Not too long ago we visited some breweries in New Jersey just outside NYC and we heard about this new law at each place, either from an employee or a patron. At one particular brewery there was a petition to sign in hopes of reversing the decision. Of course we all signed our names in support of this optimistic call to action. However, if the system really is so corrupt how could a simple petition make a difference. My guess is it won't.

Is there anything we CAN do??? Right now, the painfully straightforward answer is no. Over time this corruption will work its way out of the system. The end of the rainbow may not be this year, or next, or even 10 years from now. There is no single person responsible, more than likely, so voting one person out of office or getting one person fired won't make a difference. But eventually New Jersey will get with the times and realize how beneficial a vibrant craft beer scene will help the economy and the overall happiness of all New Jersey residents and anyone who visits.

Until then the best thing we can do is support the NJ breweries there now. Instead of a night out at a bar have a night out at a brewery. Stock up your fridge with New Jersey beer purchased AT the brewery! Go to the few trivia nights they are allowed. Share a post on Facebook for the once a month event they put on. In time it will all work out!

Thanks for reading! Make sure to check out THEbreweryauthority on Instagram for our daily brewery reviews and other beer stuff!


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