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Top 10 Train or Railroad Themed Breweries

One of the most entertaining things about visiting breweries is exploring the theme of a brewery. Some are a straightforward warehouse or brewery theme, some are a simple Brewpub. Some utilize the fitting architecture of a former church and some go for the German beer hall theme. A brewery can warm my heart when they respect the history of the building they serve beer in. And as an avid history buff, I love seeing former train stations, railyards, or anything train themed.

THEbreweryauthority has visited dozens of train or railroad themed breweries over the years. Some are former train stations. Some are newly constructed warehouses that happen to be train themed. Here, we have compiled the Top 10 train breweries visited by THEbreweryauthority! Although beer quality is always a factor, we decided to place that aspect on the back burner and focus on the venue and the rich history that goes with it. And even though we have visited a few dozen train breweries, we have only begun to scratch the surface. So let us know the ones we missed!

#10 - Chile Line Brewing, Santa Fe NM

Santa Fe NM has a quaint train themed brewery called Chile Line Brewing, which is named after an old railroad line that ran through the area. This brewery doesn't go all out like others on this list, but it's certainly unique. The Adobe style building is something you will only see in the desert southwest and I'm sure locals don't even notice the architecture, but as someone from the northeast, we just can't get enough! Various train decor is scattered throughout the taproom, but the centerpiece has to be a massive train picture displayed behind the bags of grain. What else says train brewery better than a huge train picture next to some grain?!

#9 Union Station Brewing, Providence RI

A few breweries claim the name "Union Station Brewing," but our pick goes to the Rhode Island one....mainly because it's the only one we've been to. But the brewery takes up a section of this historical train station with a cozy patio/biergarten in the heart of downtown Providence. Not much train decor and railroad themed beers here....just an elegant former train station that you can now drink and dine in. Actually, Union Station Brewing is one of Rhode Island's first craft breweries so not only does the building boast some history, but the brewery has earned the right to be called "historical" as well!

#8 Battle Street Brewery, Finger Lakes NY

In the dead center of New York state sits a hidden gem called Battle Street Brewery. The owners rescued this old train depot which belonged to small railroad called the Dansville and Mt. Morris Line and sat abandoned for years. Thankfully the old depot has been transformed into a brewery everyone can enjoy! Battle Street saved so much of the history. They even have the ticket window! This former train depot looks like something from the wild west...not Upstate New York. One can only imagine what these walls have seen.

#7 Twisted Track Brewing, Roanoke VA

Not sure where Twisted Track gets their name, but I'm sure the train theme comes from the train tracks that run near the brewery. Although the building is newer and has nothing to do with the train line, it looks as if it could have been part of the railroad years ago. This long building has a ton of garage doors that swing open on the warmer days. Not sure if Twisted Track aimed to have it be a new age "twist" on the railroad or just coincidence, but the taproom suits the theme well. The vibrant train mural in the taproom is unavoidable when scanning the taproom with your eyes. It's really the cherry on top of this high energy, party taproom!

#6 Saucony Creek Brewing Franklin Station, Reading PA

The satellite taproom of Saucony Creek Brewing sits inside a massive restored train station in Reading PA. Much remains of the 1930s era station. The arched windows reach up almost as high as the cielings and of course they had to keep the ticket window like so many great former train stations do! Apart from the loooong bar I don't think much has changed since the 1930s including an active train line that runs right by the station. The Franklin Station Brewpub features some of the most intricate architecture of any brewery on this list.

#5 Ghost Train Brewing, Birmingham AL

Unfortunately, this version of the brewery no longer exists as Ghost Train has moved onto a brand new state of the art brewery. Honestly, I was only in it for the awesome logo and train decor throughout the old gritty warehouse brewery. Another brewery I wish I knew the history behind the name. Was there an actual ghost train?? Or did they simply pick the coolest name possible. Either way this brewery had some great train themed decor, but I'm sure the new place has just as much!

#4 Grand Junction Brewing, Westfield IN

Named after the Monon and Midland railroad as well as being a stop on the underground railroad, you can see where this brewery gets its name. Apart from the history, Grand Junction Brewing has a bad ass logo! However, no history in this building. The newly constructed building (compared to some others on this list) fits that warehouse style theme and is actually a great place to watch some local sports. Another nice touch is the train painted on the front garage door. Makes it look like an actual roundhouse.

Boxcar Brew Works, DuBois PA

This one's unique. The U.S. is filled with train breweries, but not many are in AN ACTUAL TRAIN. Additionally, there have been a few breweries named "Boxcar", but this one in central Pennsylvania is the only one we have ever encountered inside train cars. The bar serves up their brews inside one car and the taproom spreads out over a few more train cars. Truly, a one of a kind brewery that's perfect for a road trip pitstop as it sits just off the interstate in the middle of nowhere. Need food? The neighboring pizza shop (whom is also inside a train car) serves up some delicious pies. Put this one on your list.

#2 Steam Whistle Brewing, Toronto ON

Heading north of the border for this one. Steam Whistle is the only brewery on the list that resides inside an actual roundhouse. And talk about prime location! Smack dab in the heart of downtown next to Blue Jay's stadium, this brewery is perfect for your pre or post game activities. This train brewery has it all...trains, the roundhouse, and all the railroad decor you can imagine. The biergarten even sits next to an old diesel locomotive. Hard to beat Steam Whistle Brewing when it comes to a train brewery!

#1 Accomplice Beer Company, Cheyenne WY

This brewery has some history to it. Union Pacific Railroad built this magnificent structure in 1886 and is the last remaining grand railroad station from the transcontinental route. You can just stare at this building for hours in awe of its beauty. This depot is so important that they put a Union Pacific Railroad museum inside the same building the brewery is in! Of course the taproom is filled with train decor and murals but I think sitting outside and watching the still existing railyard is the real treat. Accomplice Beer Company boasts one of the most enchanting structures THEbreweryauthority has ever visited!

Hope you enjoyed our Top 10 Train Themed Brewery List! If you haven't visited any of these breweries, I implore you to do so. Any train brewery for that matter adds a certain effect to the brewery experience. Make sure to fill us in on any train breweries we missed or you think we should visit!


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